Friday, September 29, 2017

Individual OPSEC & Personal Security

Operations Security, or OPSEC, is the process by which we protect unclassified information that can be used against us. OPSEC challenges us to look at ourselves through the eyes of an adversary (individuals, groups, countries, organizations). Essentially, anyone who can harm people, resources, or mission is an adversary. OPSEC should be used to protect information, and thereby deny the adversary the ability to act.
I have published a short (53 page) paper "Individual OPSEC & Personal Security" with tips and resources that you can use to make yourself and your family a little bit safer. You can download a PDF copy of this paper from my Google Drive here:
Please share the information in this guide with others, your friends, family, and co-workers. Like immunizations, the more people around you who are immune to a disease, the less likely you are to catch that disease. Similarly, the more people around you who have defenses against a security threat, the less likely you are to become susceptible to that threat because of something someone else did, such as a data breach, or e-mail compromise. When more people in your life regularly practice individual OPSEC and implement personal security in their own lives, there is a cumulative effect increasing the overall security of everyone in the group.

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