Wednesday, November 29, 2017


VeraCrypt  is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux; based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. VeraCrypt allows you to (1) Create an encrypted file container, (2) Encrypt a non-system partition / drive (such as a flash drive), and (3) Encrypt the system partition or entire system drive.
Once you have downloaded and installed VeraCrypt on your computer, making an encrypted container is very simple. Just run VeraCrypt, click the ‘Create Volume’ button and follow the steps in the wizard to create an encrypted file container. Once created, the VeraCrypt encrypted file container works like another drive on your computer. Choose an unused drive letter, mount your encrypted file container and everything in the container is available to use. When you dismount the container everything in it is encrypted, helping to protect your sensitive files and folders if your computer is ever hacked, seized, or stolen.

To mount an encrypted file container, run VeraCrypt and select the file that is your encrypted container. Click the ‘Mount’ button and enter the password for that container (VeraCrypt recommends passwords of at least 20 characters). The container is then decrypted and becomes available. To re-encrypt everything in the container, just select the drive letter for the container and click the ‘Dismount’ button. You can have multiple encrypted file containers on your computer, as long as you have available space on your hard-drive to create them.
VeraCrypt has several additional features, all of which are explained in the VeraCrypt User Guide . Take time to read this documentation and learn how you can use VeraCrypt to safeguard your private and sensitive information. I use VeraCrypt and recommend it as an effective means of adding additional security to your digital files and folders.
Download Your Copy of VeraCrypt here:

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