Monday, May 14, 2018

Lock Picking Channels

In December 2017, I wrote here in the blog "Most residential (home) locks can be quickly and easily bypassed by picking or bumping. This can allow an adversary covert access to your home, and if someone breaks into your home using these methods and steals your property a police report reading that there were "no signs of forced entry" can complicate any claim that you may file against your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance."

Yet, according to research, only 6% of burglars would attempt picking locks to gain an entry into homes. 32% would go for an unlocked door or a window, 26% would try to gain a forced entry (by breaking the door, locks, window, etc.), and 24% would try jimmying or prying.

Your threat model may increase the likelihood that someone will attempt to bypass your security by lock picking. Many in the "hacker" community have at least some knowledge and skill in lock picking. And government agents may break into your home to sneak and peek. A sneak and peek search warrant (officially called a Delayed Notice Warrant and also called a covert entry search warrant or a surreptitious entry search warrant) is a search warrant authorizing the law enforcement officers executing it to effect physical entry into private premises without the owner’s or the occupant’s permission or knowledge and to clandestinely search the premises; usually, such entry requires a stealthy breaking and entering.

There are a few YouTube channels that teach and demonstrate lock picking and similar techniques to defeat and bypass locks. Included in my favorites are:

For those interested in such things, these channels can be entertaining. If you are trying to learn how to pick locks, these channels can be informative. And, if you are planning to buy new locks to secure your property, these channels can help you avoid buying a lock that has an inherent security weakness or vulnerability.

Some places to purchase quality lock picks include:

Lock Pick
Sparrows Lock

Consumer Reports has published reports on choosing the best locks for your home:

Door Lock Buying Guide

5 Door Locks That Will Keep You Safe and 5 That Won't

My personal recommendations for door locks are the Mul-t-lock MT5+ Hercular and the Abloy Protec2, although both of these locks cost more than some people are willing to pay (or need) for home security.

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